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International Workshop on Ocean Science and Technology

来源:科研与学科工作部  作者:赵玲玲  编辑:张涛  更新:2013-10-08

International Workshop on Ocean Science and Technology

( 11.10.2013)


Session1. 8:30-11:30 Am  (A01 W601)

Topic:  Sea ice research and laboratory test technique

 1.  Arctic Research Laboratory,KoreaMaritime andOceanUniversity(8:30-8:50)

     Professor  Kyungsik ChoiKoreaMaritime andOceanUniversity,Busan,Korea

 2.  KIOST-MOERIIceModelBasin(8:50-9:30)

     Professor  Kyungsik ChoiKoreaMaritime andOceanUniversity,Busan,Korea

3.  Field monitoring on jacket platforms in Bohai sea ( 9: 30-9:50)

     Dr. Wang Yanlin  Ocean science and technology, DLUT.

 4.  Sea ice management for oil exploitation (10:00- 10:30)

     Dr. Zhang Dayong Ocean science and technology, DLUT.

 5.  Ice force of narrow conical structure(10:30-11:00)

Dr. Xu Ning ,State center of Ocean environment monitoringChina

 6.  Ice ice of narrow cylindrical structure(11:00-11:30) 

 Wang Yi He ,Ph.d student of  DLUT.

Session 2. 2:00-3:30 Pm  (A01 W601)

Topic: Ocean energy and laboratory test technique

1.  Recent progress of wave and tidal current energy research in DUT(2:00-2:40)

     Dr. Chen Bing, Ocean science and technology, DLUT.

2.  Laboratory test technique for ocean energy ( 2:40-3:30)

     Professor Graeted ,Endinbough University,England