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【学术报告】Novel Solar-Active Photocatalysts and Associated Photoreactor Systems for Environmental Mitigations

来源:科研与学科工作部 作者:宋琪 编辑:李瑛琦 更新:2016-03-22

题 目:Novel Solar-Active Photocatalysts and Associated Photoreactor Systems for Environmental Mitigations

时 间:2016年3月22日下午15:30-17:00

地 点:G01行政服务楼E402会议室

主讲人: Zisheng (Jason) Zhang



Zisheng (Jason) Zhang, Ph.D., P. Eng. Professor of Chemical Engineering, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.

Professor Zhang received his PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo in 1999. His PhD research project was on the development, modelling and design of photocatalytic reactor systems for use in water detoxification and disinfection.

Upon graduation, Dr. Zhang joined BC Research Inc. as a lead research engineer working on the scale-up of microwave-assisted processes. A subsequent post took him to the University of Alberta as a research associate, where his duties included both teaching and research related to petroleum processing.

Dr. Zhang joined the University of Ottawa in July 2003, after two years of service as an assistant professor at the University of New Brunswick. His research interests include, biochemical engineering, pollution control, energies from biomass, and petroleum processing.