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来源:科研与学科工作部 作者:科研与学科工作部 编辑:赵玲玲 更新:2017-05-24

题   目:生态学系列讲座


时   间:2017年5月23日- 6月4日:




地   点:大连理工大学盘锦校区A01-E201 


报 告 人:Paul Giller , 爱尔兰科克大学前常务副校长,生态动物学名誉教授




Ecology course

1 Science and scope of ecology: what the study of ecology is about, the various levels of study in ecology and its scope in time and space and its importance as a scientific discipline. (1 lecture)

2 Modern methods in ecology: range of methods used to study problems and patterns at the various ecological levels from individual to ecosystem/biosphere (1 lecture)

3 Ecological philosophy: Ecology as an empirical science and the scientific approaches to the study of ecology. (1.5-2lectures)

4 Animal sampling techniques: overview of the general techniques for relative and absolute sampling strategies and approaches in terrestrial and aquatic habitats (2 lectures)

5 Individual and population tolerances to environmental change: Consideration of tolerance and adaptation of organisms and how individuals and populations respond to environmental change (1-1.5 lectures)

6 Ecological stability and effects of disturbance: consideration of the types of effects of disturbances on ecological communities and agents and regimes of disturbance (1-1.5 lectures)

7 Biodiversity and ecosystem function: importance and role of biodiversity in ecosystems and the hypotheses relating biodiversity to ecosystem function and provision of ecological services (1.5-2 lectures)


Wetland Ecology

A series of lectures on various aspects of the ecology of streams and rivers (6-7 lectures overall)

1.Introdution: concept of the river catchment/watershed, general nature of river and stream systems (0.5 lectures)

2.Energy Flow: Components of energy budget, Food sources for consumers, Energy budgets, Functional feeding groups (1 lecture)

3.Decomposition: Types of detritus, Decomposition phase in streams and rivers; Breakdown rates of leaf litter, Leaf preference of shredders, Riparian influence on detritus. (1 lecture)

4.Longitudinal patterns from headwaters to river mouth: examination of the longitudinal changes in physical, chemical and biological features and characteristics along the length of river systems influence on the energy base of the system and River Continuum Concept (1-1.5 lectures)

5.Food webs: Introduction to concept; identification of animal diet, types of food webs (microbial and Stream food webs); Top down vs bottom up regulation of energy flow; behavioral aspects. (1 lecture)

6.Diversity patterns in streams and rivers: Introduction to stream diversity, Diversity and ecosystem functioning in streams; Diversity patterns in streams and rivers (Succession, Altitudinal and latitudinal diversity gradients, Species: area relationships), Restoration. (1 lecture)




Former Registrar and V-P Academic Affairs.

Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Zoology.

Professor Paul Giller is a Zoologist and Ecologist  (graduated from Queen Mary and Imperial College, University of  London) having published over 130 papers and 7 books(h-factor 41/30 Google Scholar/Web of Science; i10 index 100; Total citations 7211/3897 (as of December 2014)).

  Prof Giller is a population, community and ecosystem ecologist with a specialisation in freshwater systems, macroinvertebrates and salmonids. Research expertise lies in pure and applied ecology and freshwater biology and the role of biodiversity on ecosystem function (in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems). Research has centred on the analysis of macroinvertebrate communities of freshwater and terrestrial habitats; freshwater-forestry interactions (including biodiversity issues and the effects of forestry practices); the impact of instream (flooding) and catchment (land use changes) disturbances on stream and river ecosystems and freshwater pollution. Application of ecological and experimental techniques to applied animal behaviour has also led to collaborative research with agricultural research organisations.

He has taught and researched in the UCC for over 30 years, having also taught for short periods in the UK, USA and France. He has carried out research in Ireland, UK, South Africa, USA and Sweden. In addition to academic roles, he has held administrative positions including  Executive Dean of Science (2000-2005) and since May 2005  Registrar and Senior Vice President Academic , reappointed for a second term in 2010.