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来源:石油与化学工程学院、科研与学科工作部 作者:石油与化学工程学院 编辑:赵玲玲 更新:2017-06-06




1.         2:30-2:55东京工业大学 物质理工学院 应用化学系 田中 教授

Experience: He obtained his PhD from The University of Tokyo under the supervision of Professor Takeshi Kitahara and had been working as a post-doctoral fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the supervision of Professor Gregory C. Fu. His research is focused on novel transition-metal-catalyzed reactions and their application to organic synthesis.

Title: Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric [2+2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions

2.         2:55-3:10大连理工大学 石油与化学工程学院 王万辉 副教授

Title: Functionalized Transition-Metal Complexes for Hydrogen Storage

3.         3:10-3:35名古屋大学 基础药学科学院 药学研究科 澁谷 正俊 副教授

Experience: He obtained his PhD from Tohoku University and had been working as a post-doctoral fellow at The Scripps Research Institute under the supervision of Professor K. C. Nicolaou. His research is focused on development of atom economical synthetic methods using main-group elements.

Title: Transition-Metal-Free Catalytic Systems for Electrophilic Functionalization of C-C Multiple Bonds

4.         3:35-3:50 大连理工大学 生命与医院学院 刘亚军 博士

Title: Aliphatic Dithiol: A Novel Thiol Source for the Synthesis of Aryl Thiols

5.         4:00-4:25山形大学 理工学研究科 生物化学工学专业 今野 博行 副教授

Experience: He obtained his PhD from Tohoku University under the supervision of Professor Kunio Ogasawara and had been working as a post-doctoral fellow at University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Professor Amos B. Smith, III and Professor Ralph F. Hirschmann.

Title: Total Synthesis of Callipeltin B, Peptydyl Marine Natural Product

6.         4:25-4:40大连理工大学 石油与化学工程学院 李阳 副教授

Title: Theoretical Studies on Transition Metal-Catalyzed Cyclization Reaction

7.         4:40-5:05日本大赛璐股份有限公司 综合研究所所长兼创新基地所长 髙橋 郁夫 先生

Towards New Value and New Business Creation through Innovation

8.         5:05-5:30日本大赛璐股份有限公司 有机合成分社事业战略室室长 潘立瑞 博士







