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来源:教学事务部  作者:于磊  编辑:张涛  更新:2013-12-11

专题:East Meets West 东西方文化的碰撞

授课时间:20131216日(星期一)   9:50-11:30

授课地点:A 01 主教学楼    房间: A01-W101


听课班级: 所有专业学生


牛晓春,理工大学外语学院副教授,硕士生导师,于201010月至今在美国宾州州立大学孔子学院任中方院长。负责海外语言和文化项目、中国相关领域问题研究、项目申请预算与决算、协调学生交流以及大连理工大学与美国宾州州立大学以及其他美国院校的合作等。曾于2003-2006年在英国威尔士卡迪夫Health Solutions工作两年多。主要研究领域是语言与文化、跨文化交际、教育技术。曾发表过“性格与学生的交际能力”,“在跨文化视角下交际能力对中国大学生交际评价的影响”等论文;主编和编辑出版《商务英语写作》、《远程英语》、《交际口语》等书籍。曾获国家教育部教育技术软件设计奖。

Associate Professor Xiaochun Niu’s research focuses on language and culture, intercultural communication and instructional technology. She is author and co-author of articles published in journals (including "Students’ Communicative Competence and Personality," 2009; "The Effect of Communication Competence on Chinese University Students communication Apprehension-from a Cross-cultural Perspective," 2008), editor and co-editor of textbooks (Business English WritingEnglish for Distance LearningOral English, English for Engineering Graduates), winner of CIECE educational courseware design award from the Ministry of Education in China. She is responsible for the language and cultural programs of the Confucius Institute at Penn State University, USA, China-related research programs, applications for projects, budgets and summaries, and coordinates collaborations and students exchange programs between Penn State University and Dalian University of Technology.