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来源:教学事务部  作者:于磊  编辑:张涛  更新:2014-06-20


专题:Exploring the Dependence of Urban Systems on the Environment


主讲人:Dr. Sergio Ulgiati

授课时间:2014625日(周三 9:50-11:25

授课地点:A01 主教学楼  房间:N205



Dr. Sergio Ulgiati, educated in Physics and Environmental Chemistry, was the founder in the year 1998 of the series of Biennial Workshops ‘Advances in Energy Studies’. He is a Professor of ‘Life Cycle Assessment’ and ‘Environmental Certification’ at the Parthenope University of Napoli, Italy. Furthermore, he is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journals of Energy, Ecological Modeling, and Environment, Development and Sustainability. He is the co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management.

Dr. Sergio Ulgiati had been the President 2010-2011 of ISAER - The International Society for the Advancement of Energy Research.

The fields of his research interests:

Environmental and Energy Accounting, Life Cycle Assessment, Energy Analysis, urban systems, urban waste management.

His research goal:

To provide evaluation tools for better understanding of the interplay of human societies and nature across space and time scales, focusing on the role of resources and environment in societies, proper resource management and environmental integrity.