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【学术报告】Fundamentals and Applications of Plasma

来源:科研与学科工作部、石油与化学工程学院 作者:颜洋 编辑:李瑛琦 更新:2015-09-21

【报告人】:Yoshinobu Kawai(何川良信)

【报告时间】2015年9月25日 14:00-16:00



Yoshinobu Kawai (何川良信教授)

1971.1 Ph.D (Dept. Physics, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University)

1972.4 Associate Professor, Chubu Institute of Technology

1974.2 Associate Professor, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University

1984.4. Professor, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University

2005.4. Professor, Kyushu University

2014.4-present Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University


The lecture will give a broad introduction to the physics and chemistry of plasmas. Firstly, I explain basic plasma physics required for understanding plasma science and technology. Secondly, I introduce various plasma production technology used widely in applications such as semiconductor, silicon thin film solar cells and so on. Finally, I explain the fundamental plasma diagnostics for monitoring and optimization of plasma and its applications in the several yields.