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【学术报告】Research activities of printable solar cells in Kyushu Institute of Technology

来源:科研与学科工作部、石油与化学工程学院 作者:颜洋 编辑:李瑛琦 更新:2015-11-03


【报告时间】2015.11.5 1600-1730




ShuziHayasewas graduated from Osaka University in 1978 and received Ph.D from Osaka University in 1983. He joined R&D Center in Toshiba from 1978 to 2000, during which the author was engaged in development of ULSI lithography, solar cells direct methanol fuel cells, and polysilane. He joined polysilane research in Robert West group of Wisconsin University (US) from 1988 to 1990.He is a professor of Kyushu Institute of Technology (National Institute) since 2001. Since 2009 he is a Supervisor of PRESTO project (Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), “Photoenergy conversion systems and materials for the next generation solar cells“ project). In addition, since 2012, he is a dean of graduate school of life science and systems engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology. His research interest is printable solar cells.


We would like to introduce research activities of printable solar cells in Kyushu Institute of Technology (National Institute) including dye-sensitized solar cells and perovskite solar cells. We focus on two items. One is the development of cylindrical dye-sensitized solar cells for new application fields, consisting of new structure (transparent conductive oxide less (TCO-less) back contact structure). The other issue is perovskite solar cells with IR photoelectric conversion properties, consisting of Sn2+ions instead of Pb2+previously used. The talk includes items from material preparations, cell fabrication processes and these solar cell performances. In addition, current research trends on these printable solar cells will be reviewed and the future is discussed. Final, We will introduce our university of Kyushu Institute of Technology.