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【学术报告】 Basic studies of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Cobalt and Iron Based Catalysts: Deactivation and Kinetic Behavior

来源:科研与学科工作部 作者:科研与学科工作部 编辑:赵玲玲 更新:2016-06-30

  目:Basic studies of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on   Cobalt and Iron Based Catalysts: Deactivation and Kinetic Behavior

  间:201671(周五)  9:30am-10:30am


主讲人:Dr. Wenping Ma

                Associate Director - Clean Fuels and Chemicals

Scientist IV/Engineer

University of Kentucky




Wenping Ma is a senior research engineer of the Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) at the University of Kentucky. He earned Ph.D. in Chem Eng at Shanxi institute of coal chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) in 1998. After graduation, he worked at Dalian University. Meanwhile, he carried out his postdoctoral research in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics between 1999 and 2001 (superiors: Profs. Liwu Lin, Yujie Ding). Wenping Ma extended his postdoctoral experience at Texas A&M University and West Virginia University from 2001-2006 (work with Profs. D.B. Bukur and E.L. Kugler).  In 2006, Wenping Ma joined the CAER of the University of Kentucky, work in the Fischer-Tropsch lab led by Prof. Burtron Davis.  Wenping Ma’s research interests are reaction kinetics and mechanism, catalysts development and characterizations in C1 chemistry, hydrotreating and H2 production by reforming and WGS.


Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is a heart technology to convert syngas derived from coal, nature gas, biomass into ultra-clean transportation fuels. Because of so unstable world oil market and abundant fossil fuel resource in the world, this viable technology has drawn much attention from the academic and industrial parties, and significant advances in FTS have been made in the past decades. However, to better understanding FTS fundamental issues such as catalyst deactivation and reaction mechanism is still a very demanding task because of the complexity of reaction itself and unstable catalyst structure during reaction. This presentation focus on discussing FTS reaction mechanisms of two important Fe and Co based catalysts i.e. unassisted and H assisted CO dissociation proposed recently in DFT studies, using macro-kinetic approach, and reporting some deactivation studies on Fe and Co based catalysts that were resulted by process conditions and poisons i.e. H2S and NH3. Advanced characterization techniques (TEM, Mössbauer, XANES and EXAFS) were used to understand changes of catalysts structure under different reaction conditions.