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来源: 作者: 编辑:王凯群 更新:2016-09-27

专题:Using advanced technologies for deep sea exploration(使用先进技术进行深海勘探)

主讲人:Professor Andrew Wheeler(爱尔兰国立科克大学地理系主任)



听课班级: 2015/2016级过程装备与控制工程(海洋石油装备),海洋技术专业必须参加,欢迎2013/2014学生参加,欢迎校区师生参加


Prof. Wheeler is a marine geologist contributing to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the areas of sedimentology, geology and marine science.

Prof. Wheeler is Professor of Geology/Head of Geology, Vice Head of the School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, PI for Marine Research at the Environmental Research Institute and a member of the Royal Irish Academy Geosciences & Geographical Sciences Committee.

Research activities include marine geology with an emphasis on benthic boundary layer sedimentary processes, offshore Quaternary geology and seabed mapping (SSS, MBES, ROVs). Prof. Wheeler has a special focus on the geology of deep-water coral carbonate mounds and continental margins (slides, canyons, contourites) as well as shelf-sea sediment transport processes and offshore banks (Irish Sea). Prof. Wheeler has expertise in geophysical processing and core analysis (especially PSA) and collaborates with biologists (habitat mapping), GIS experts, offshore renewable energy providers and archaeologists (shipwrecks).

Prof. Wheeler has strong links to the ERI and CMRC in UCC.



1908年更名为科克大学学院(University College Cork),1997年正式更名为爱尔兰国立科克大学 (National University of Ireland, Cork ),1998年教育部将其更名为“科克大学”(University College Cork)。

科克大学是一所研究型的综合性大学,其科研经费全国最高。在2003-2004 , 2005-2006 和 2011-2012 当选泰晤士报年度爱尔兰大学。科克大学在爱尔兰的科研领域处于领先位置,在爱尔兰的科研收入是各校中最高的。科克大学在基础科学和工程学科的教学和科研上享有很高声誉,特别是在生物技术、生物医学、计算机与信息技术、食品科学、光子学和纳米技术等领域取得了显著成就。聚集了众多国际科研机构,如国家微电子研究中心、国家食品及生物技术研究中心、生物科学研究所、环境研究所、光子研究所及信息学研究中心。