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【学术报告】Development & Applications of Reaction Models

来源:石油与化学工程学院 作者:科研与学科工作部 编辑:科研与学科工作部 更新:2017-01-03



报 告 人:Kun WANG


The increasing energy needs and green environment desires presents one of the major challenges for mankind. This requires us to be able to both maximize the efficiency of fuel applications as well as minimize negative impacts on the environment. This talk focus on the development and utilization of reaction models to acquire fundamental understanding of energy conversions, anchoring to the above two goals.

Firstly, a reaction model was developed and used to understand formation of molecular weight growth (MWG) species, which are most responsible of soot or deposit generation, during hydrocarbon conversions. The second part deals with the combustion modeling of real liquid jet fuels through the development and applications of a new and hybrid chemistry model. A typical multicomponent liquid jet fuels is a mixture of hundreds to thousands of species, presenting great challenges in kinetic modeling. Unlike the conventional surrogate approach that has been in use for decades, this new approach in principle is more accurate and efficient, and can be adopted into computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations. The last part briefly discusses a proposed method to maximize fuel performance by the incorporation of nanoparticles as catalysis.




王昆,博士,现在是斯坦福大学机械工程系博士后,2015年博士毕业于Colorado School of Mines化学工程与生物工程学院。2010年浙江大学化工系聚合与聚合物工程研究所工学硕士。2007年大连理工大学化学工程系工学学士。王昆博士的研究领域和兴趣包括能源转化、实验及计算动力学、燃料化学、纳米催化、高能材料等。王昆博士已发表SCI论文10篇(其中9篇为第1作者),获得一系列的学术奖项,包括学院最佳博士论文,参加国际学术会议20余次并多次做邀请报告,曾受邀担任美国化学学会2015年会分会主席( Session Chair)。此外,王昆博士还与多个国际知名科研院所有广泛的合作交流,曾受邀参与美国Argonne国家实验室、Lawrence Livermore国家实验室、MIT麻省理工大学Bill Green 教授课题组和美国炼油公司Phillip 66研发中心等单位的研究工作。