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来源:科研与学科工作部 作者:科研与学科工作部 编辑:赵玲玲 更新:2017-01-06



报 告 人:Ken Hansen



Ken Hansen is the Vice President/Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management and Planning at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine. Ken is a registered professional engineer in the State of Nebraska with a bachelor’s in civil engineering from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and a master’s degree in business administration from The University of Nebraska at Omaha.  Ken’s responsibility at UNMC includes Architectural Engineering, Architectural Planning, Facilities Operations, and campus Construction.  Prior to 2005, Ken worked for the Omaha Public Power District over a period of 29 years in a variety of positions related to Facilities Management and Energy Services.




Ken Hansen ,美国内布拉斯加医疗中心大学(University of Nebraska Medical Center,UNMC)副校长,主管学校规划、基建、能源管理与运营,Ken Hansen先生是资深的能源管理注册工程师,曾经在奥马哈公共电力中心任职29年,具有丰富的节约型校园规划建设、建筑工程管理与施工、高耗能设备运营、区域能源系统运营和建筑节能工程管理经验。