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来源: 作者: 编辑:王凯群 更新:2017-03-06


专题:Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Modern Society



主讲人:Istvan Marko



Prof Istvan Marko

1983/1985 Université catholique de Louvain, Bachelor Degree

1978/1983 Université catholique de Louvain, Doctor Degree

1983/1985 Université catholique de Louvain, Post Doctor

1985/1987 University of Vermont, Post Doctor

1987/1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Post Doctor

1988/1989 University of Sheffield, Lecturer A

1989/1993 University of Sheffield, Lecturer A

1993/2017 Université catholique de Louvain, Full Professor

Main papers:

Copper-catalyzed oxidation of alcohols into aldehydes and ketones. A timely, efficient, aerobic alternative, 1996, Science.

The art of total synthesis, 2001, Science.

Selective and efficient platinum(0)-carbene complexes as hydrosilylation catalysts, 2002, science.

Total Synthesis of Jerangolid D, 2007, Journal of the American Chemical Society.


This introductory lecture on chemistry aims at showing to the students the wide variety of domains in which chemistry and chemical engineeringhaveprovided major benefits to the human societies. Chemistry is so much part of our life that we simply forget about it. However, it is crucial to remember that chemists are the people who create new drugs to protect us from numerous diseases, such as cancer, tuberculosis, viral and fungal infections, and bacterialcontaminates. They also imagine and prepare novel dyes for our clothes or our photovoltaic equipment, new polymers that have millions of use from bullet proof vests to car components and containers, wonderful perfumes that enlighten our daily life, unique insecticides that are highly selective against noxious insects while leaving the others in peace, important and active pesticides and fertilizers that enable us to produce grains and food without which we would starve like our ancestors did, special metallic alloys that enable us to go into space or deep under the seas. Chemists are also saving animals from extinction by synthesizing natural products that were originally obtained by killing these animals and they are working hard at cleaning the environment, devising ecologically respectful processes and generating products that are innocuous and biodegradable. Chemistry is everywhere, impacts everyone and nobody can live without it. It is the king of the sciences at the frontier with many others and chemists interact continuously with physicists, biologists, pharmacists, toxicologists, medical doctors, perfumers, oil companies, ....