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来源: 作者: 编辑:王凯群 更新:2017-04-14


  目:The Challenges for Plant Science faces to enhance food                security in the next 30 years.


报告人:Dr. Peter DoernerThe School of Biological Sciences’    Director of Internationalisation



1830 Ms Holly Roberston-Dick 向学生介绍2+2项目

1900 Dr. Peter Doerner导论课


授课对象:2015 2016级生物科学、生物信息学、药学及相关专业本科生、研究生、教师。

Peter W. Doerner

Degrees awarded

1987                    Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.), University of Oldenburg, Germany, "summa cum laude".

1981                    Diploma in Biology, University of Oldenburg, Germany.

Posts held

2011 - present     Reader (Associate Professor), University of Edinburgh

2005 - 2011         Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh

1999 - 2005         Lecturer, University of Edinburgh.

1993 - 1999         Staff Scientist, Plant Biology Lab, Salk Institute, La Jolla, California.

1990 - 1993         Senior Research Assistant, Plant Biology Lab, Salk Institute, La Jolla, California.

1988 - 1990         Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. C. Lamb; Salk Institute, La Jolla, California.

1981 - 1986         and Research Assistant with Dr. R. Megnet, University of Oldenburg, Germany.

Selected recent awards and peer recognition:

1.        Director of Internationalisation (2016-)

2.        Award of a two-year “Chaire d’Excellence” (Research Fellowship) by the French National Research Agency (ANR) (2011-2013)

3.        Handling Editor of the Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (2010-13)

4.        Co-organiser of cell cycle session: 9th IPMB Meeting St. Louis, Mo, USA (2009);

5.        Participant in a Gates Foundation Convening on “Frontiers of Plant Science”, September 22, 2008.

6.        Leverhulme Research Fellowship (2007-2008), held at the MPIMP in Golm, Germany;

7.        Consultant for Monsanto and Calgene (2000-2004);

Current research interests

Current research in the lab focuses on three key processes of root growth control:

·          Root system architecture (RSA) is a key determinant of nutrient uptake efficiency, and plants must respond to divergent demands on RSA when adapting to different nutrient limitations. Stem cell maintenance in primary and lateral roots is at the core of RSA control and targets regulation of cell cycle and division activity as key effector mechanism. Research is focused on dissecting the mechanisms linking the perception of low phosphate to growth control. The aim is to generate higher-performing crop plants that more efficiently assimilate phosphate by optimizing RSA.

·          Abiotic stress causes DNA damage, which leads to diminished growth. Highly conserved mechanisms respond by coordinate repair and cell cycle arrest processes. Research in the lab focuses on the question how cell cycle and division activity is transiently arrested. Better control over proliferation will enable the development of crops with higher tolerance for abiotic stress.

·          Serious abiotic stress, rapidly leads to determinate root development, an irreversible loss of meristem cell fate. Research in the lab focuses on the question how cell cycle processes (mitosis and endoreplication) are regulated during such episodes and how their control influences the transition to differentiation.  We aim to manipulate these processes in order to enhance abiotic stress tolerance in crops.

and outreach:

I provide teaching in Developmental Biology, and Plant Science. I currently lecture in under- and post-graduate courses in Plant Sciences, Genetics/Molecular Biology and Developmental Biology. I have around 120 contact hours with students.

I have strong contacts with industry, one currently active joint project (BBSRC-Industrial CASE).


Selected recent Publications (total of 53):

1.        Li, C., Potuschak, T., Colón-Carmona, A., Gutiérrez, R.A. and Doerner, P.Arabidopsis TCP20 links regulation of growth and cell division control pathways. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA 102 (2005) 12978-12983

2.        Keller, T., Abbott, J., Moritz, T, and Doerner, P: ArabidopsisREGULATOR OF AXILLARY MERISTEMS1 controls a leaf axil stem cell niche and modulates vegetative development. The Plant Cell 18 (2006) 598-611

3.        Culligan, K.M., Robertson, C.E., Foreman, J., Doerner, P. and Britt, A.B.: ATRand ATM play both distinct and additive roles in response to ionizing radiation. Plant Journal 48 (2006) 947-961

4.        Lai, F., Thacker, J., Li, YY. and Doerner, P.: Cell division activity determines the magnitude of phosphate starvation responses in Arabidopsis.Plant Journal 50 (2007) 545-556

5.        Doerner, P.: Phosphate starvation signaling: a threesome controls systemic Pihomeostasis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology (2008) 11536.

6.        Fan, J., Crooks, C., Creissen, G., Hill, L., Fairhurst, S., Doerner, P. and Chris Lamb: Pseudomonas saxGenes overcome aliphatic isothiocyanate-mediated non-host resistance in Arabidopsis.Science 331 (2011) 1185

7.        Fan, J and Doerner, P: Genetic and molecular basis of nonhost disease resistance: complex, yes; silver bullet, no. Current Opinion in Plant Biology (2012) 15 400

8.        Tian, X and Doerner, P: Root resource foraging: does it matter? Frontiers in Plant Systems Biology(2013) doi: 10.3389

9.        Annika K. Weimer, Sascha Biedermann, Hirofumi Harashima, Farshad Roodbarkelari, Naoki Takahashi, Julia Foreman, Yonsheng Guan, Gaëtan Pochon, Maren Heese, Daniël Van Damme, Keiko Sugimoto, Csaba Koncz, Peter Doerner, Masaaki Umeda, and Arp Schnittger: The plant specific CDKB1-CYCB1 complex mediates homologous recombination repair in Arabidopsis. EMBO J (2016) doi: 10.15252/embj.201593083

10.     Mario A. Pacheco-Escobedo, Victor B. Ivanov, Iván Ransom-Rodríguez, Germán Arriaga-Mejía, Hibels Ávila, Ilya A. Baklanov, Arturo Pimentel, Gabriel Corkidi, Peter Doerner, Joseph G. Dubrovsky, Elena R. Álvarez-Buylla, Adriana Garay-Arroyo: Longitudinal zonation pattern in the Arabidopsis root and its determination by multiple structural change algorithms. Annals of Botany 331 (2016) doi:10.1093.

I hold 5 US and European Patents

Invited Lectures at Conferences and research Seminars (selection from a total of 87):

Conferences: Keystone Meeting Taos, NM, USA (2012), International Symposium on Root Systems Biology, Taipei, Taiwan (2012), 9th IPMB Meeting St. Louis, Mo, USA (2009), Gates Foundation Convening on Frontiers of Plant Science, Seattle, USA (2008), SEB/GARNET Symposium, “Plant Development in a Changing Environment", Nottingham, UK (2008), Annual SEB Meeting Marseille, France (2008), 15th International Arabidopsis Meeting Berlin, Germany (2004).

Seminars: 2013:  GMI, Vienna, Austria; Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic; Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 2012: iRTSV Seminar, CEA, Grenoble, France; University of Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand, France; Life sciences University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; University of Düsseldorf, Germany; University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. 2011: ISVV, Villenave d'Ornon, Bordeaux, France; CISC-CRAG, Barcelona, Spain. 2010:PCV-CEA, Grenoble, France; ENS, Paris, France. 2009: University of Marseille, France; Purdue University, Lafayette, USA; Shandong Normal University, China.