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来源:食品与环境学院 作者:毕如意 编辑:王凯群 更新:2018-04-16

专题:Air quality impacts of increased natural gas use in Texas

主讲人:David Allen

授课时间:20180425日,13: 30—15:102学时)

授课地点:A01 – E101





Dr. David Allen,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin, UTA)化学工程学院的Gertz Regents教授,任UTA能源与环境资源中心主任,2017年当选美国工程院的院士。Dr. David Allen主要从事大气环境质量监测与模拟、可持续的能源与环境管理、环境系统工程等方面研究,他的研究成果对于美国大气环境管理政策的制定,产生了重要影响。2012到2015年间,他担任美国环境保护局科学顾问委员会主席,也曾任职于多个政府咨询小组。Dr. David Allen出版了七部著作,发表了250多篇论文。他是美国化学学会ACS Sustainable Chemistry&Engineering期刊的创始主编。他编著的工科教材被多所大学的核心课程所采用,他也为高中生编写了工程教育教材。


Hydrocarbon products derived from horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing of shale of these hydrocarbons, and in 2014, made the US the world's largest natural gas and petroleum producer. The greater availability of low cost natural gas has driven the replacement of coal by natural gas in electricity generation. This presentation will examine changes in air quality that result from this substitution. Estimates of electricity generation, for individual electricity generation units, were used to estimate spatially resolved hourly emissions from electricity generation. Emissions from natural gas production activities were also estimated, with increased, emissions decreased from electricity generation and increased from natural gas production. Overall, NOX and SO2 emissions decreased, while VOC emissions increased as natural gas use I creased. To assess the effects of these changes in emissions on ozone and particulate matter concentrations, spatially and temporally resolved emissions were used in a photochemical modeling episode. Over the month – long photochemical modeling episode, particulate matter (PM) (0.1-0.7μg/m3). Changes in PM were predominatly due to changes in regional PM sulfate formation. Changes in regional PM and ozone formation are primarily due to decreases in emissions from electricity generation. Increases in emissions from increased natural gas production were offset by decreasing emissions from electricity generation for all the scenarios considered.

来源:食品与环境学院 作者:毕如意