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【学术报告】Zeolite and MOF films as molecular sieve membranes-Differences and similiarities

来源: 作者: 编辑: 更新:2014-07-24
    受石油与化学工程学院邀请,德国汉诺威大学Jürgen Caro教授将于727日来校进行学术讲座,欢迎各位老师和同学参加!

题目Zeolite and MOF films as molecular sieve membranes-Differences and
                    similiarities (

报告人Prof. Dr.  Jürgen Caro



Jürgen Caro

Director of the InstituteofPhysical Chemistryand Electrochemistry,UniversityofHannover

Callinstr. 3, D-30167 Hannover, Germany       


Tel.: 0049-511-762-3175/3185                 

Fax: 0049-511-762-10121


1970-1977        UniversityLeipzig, study of chemistry

1977                 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) on NMR on Molecules in Interaction with Surfaces

1977-1989           Scientific co-worker at the former Central Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, later Deputy Leader of the Dept. Adsorption and Chemical Engineering Science:

1989                     Dr. sc. nat-Thesis on the interplay of mass transport and catalysis in ZSM-5 catalysts

1990-1991           Head of the Dept. Fundamentals of Adsorption at Central Institute of Physical Chemistry inBerlin: pressure swing and membrane gas separation, novel adsorbents, theory of adsorption

1992                            Dr. habil.-Thesis on novel application of molecular sieves as catalyst, membrane, optical material, sensors

1992-1997           Head of the Dept. Advanced Materials at the Institute of Applied              Chemistry inBerlin: Ceramics, polymers, composites

1998-2001           Head of the Dept. Inorganic materials for catalysis and chemical engineering science of catalysis at Ins. of Applied Chemistry inBerlin

2001-                           Professor for Physical Chemistry at theUniversityofHannover, Director of the institute

·         Member of the Intern. Editorial Team of Microporous and Mesoporous Materials since 1998 (Elsevier), Member of the Intern. Advisory Board of Advanced Materials (VCH/Wiley) since 1995, Member of the International Editorial Team of the journal Catalysis Communications since 2000 (Elsevier), Member of the Intern. Editorial Board of the Chinese Journal of Catalysis since 2006

·         250 scientific publications including Nature, JACS, Angwante Chemie,  38 patents (3 of them used in industries)

·         Curator and member of the scientific council of the Dalian Institute for Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China since 2006

·         Citation: more than 10000 times, h-factor 60