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【学术报告】Development of nanomaterials and inorganic and organic solar cells

来源:科研与学科工作部  作者:赵玲玲  编辑:张涛  更新:2014-10-17
题 目:Development of nanomaterials and inorganic and organic solar cells

报告人:Prof. Tingli Ma(Kyushu Institute of Technology)

时 间:10月23日15: 45

地 点:A01教学楼S602室



Personal data

Name:Tingli Ma  Sexual: Female

Date of Birth:Jan.4, 1962;

Place of Birth:China

Nationality: Chinese, Permission for Japan permanent residence

E-mail: tinglima@ +86 411 84982376

Education andWork experience

1984 B.S.       Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,Liaoning Normal University,China

1996 M.S.    Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Japan

1999 Ph. D. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Japan

1999 Postdoc.  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),Japan

2004 Assoc. Prof. Kyushu University, Department of Chemistry, Japan

2006 Visiting Researcher. California Institute Technology, US and Imperial College London, UK

2007-present Professor,State Key Lab.of Fine Chemicals, Dalian University of Technology, China

2013-present Professor,Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan

Awards andHonours

1.      Dalton Transaction Poster Prize at the 2ndAsian Conference on the Coordination Chemistry, Najiang, China, 2011

2.      Best Paper Awardat 2011 Annual Conference of China Renewable Energy Society, 2011

3.      Best Paper Awardat 6thConference of Functional Materials and Application and International Symposium on Functional Materials, 2007

4.      Chemistry Award at 43thScientific Meeting of the Federation of Kyushu Societies for Foreign Researcher, 2006

5.      2010.8 : Organizer of the 5thAseanian Conference on Dye-sensitized and Organic Solar Cells

6.      2005-2007,Managing Director,The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, Kyushu Branch

7.      2007-Present, Council,China Energy Society


1.     The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50773008)

2.     State Key Laboratory of New Ceramic and Fine Processing (Tsinghua University).

3.     The National High Technology Research and Development Program for Advanced Materials of China (Grant No. 2009AA03Z220)

4.     The Program of theNewSunshineProject andNewTrend of PV R&DProgram in Japan

5.     The Program ofthe Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)